Computer Languages and Software for Databasing

In order to create interfaces (esp. GUI-interfaces) for querying and mining large biological databases, we will need to: a) import existing tools to work in our environment and b) create new tools to satisfy user needs.

This page will hopefully serve as a starting point for understanding what tools are available, what computer languages are used to create these tools, and where examples exist of other people creating similar tools.

Python is a language which is object oriented, interactive and operable on a variety of platforms, including **IX, Windoze and the MacOS.

Perl is the de facto standard for text processing and, given the current state of affairs, bioinformatics in general

Java is an object-oriented, portable language that has become the darling of people involved in created graphical Web based applications and applets

SQL is a language for defining, querying and controlling data in a relational database

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Andreas Matern
Last modified: Fri Mar 12 17:38:56 EST 1999