
All of these links will take you to where you will be able to order any item directly and securely through the net. Ain't technology wonderful?

In Association with


Internet Programming With Python by Aaron Watters et al.

Programming Python (Nutshell Handbook) by Mark Lutz

Scripting Languages: Automating the Web by Lincoln Stein and Ron Petrusha

Learning Python (Nutshell Series)by Mark Lutz et al


Object Oriented Perl by Damian Conway.

Learning Perl by Randal L. Schwartz & Tom Christiansen

Programming Perl (The Camel Book) by Larry Wall (Editor), Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Christiansen, Stephen Potter

Perl Cookbook by Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington

The Cgi/Perl Cookbook by Craig Patchett, Matthew Wright, Peter Holfelder

Advanced Perl Programming by Sriram Srinivasan


Computational Methods in Molecular Biology (New Comprehensive Biochemistry, V. 32) by Steven L. Salzberg (Editor), David B. Searls (Editor), Simon Kasif (Editor)

Bioinformatics : A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins by Andreas Baxevanis (Editor), B.F.Francis Ouellette (Editor)

Biological Sequence Analysis :Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids by R. Durbin, R. Eddy, A. Krogh, G. Mitchison

Calculating the Secrets of Life :Applications of the Mathematical Sciences in Molecular Biology by Eric S. Lander, Michael S. Waterman (Editor)

Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology by Joao Carlos Setubal, Joao Meidanis.

Introduction to Computational Biology : Maps, Sequences, and Genomes (Interdisciplinary Statistics) by Michael S. Waterman.

Bioinformatics : The Machine Learning Approach (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) by Pierre Baldi, Soren Brunak.

Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences : Computer Science and Computational Biology by Dan Gusfield.

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Core Java: Fundamentals and Core Java: Advanced both by Horstman and Cornell.

C++ Primer by by Stanley B. Lippman, Josee Lajoie

The Philosophical Programmer; Reflections on the Moth in the Machine by Daniel Kohanski

Mastering Regular Expressions : Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools (Nutshell Handbook) by Jeffrey E. F. Friedl

Genetic Programming : An Introduction : On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and Its Applications by Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Nordin, Robert E. Keller, Frank D. Francone

Red Hat Linux Secrets by Naba Barkakati and Nabajyoti Barkakati

A Practical Guide to Linux by Mark G. Sobell

Essential System Administration : Help for Unix System Administrators by AEleen Frisch

Xml: Extensible Markup Language by Elliotte Rusty Harold

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SQL: The Complete Reference by James R. Groff and Paul N. Weinberg

SQL Programming from the Ground Up by Mary Pyefinch

Oracle Sql Plus: The Definitive Guide by Jonathan Gennick

Pete Cassidy's Cookbook for Oracle SQL*Plus by Pete W. Cassidy

Oracle Pl/Sql Programming by Scott Urman

The Practical Sql Handbook : Using Structured Query Language by Judith S. Bowman, Sandra L. Emerson, Marcy Darnovsky

Oracel Pl/SQL Programming by Steven Feuerstein et al

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HTML: The Definitive Guide by Chuck Musciano et al

Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference by Danny Goodman

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Oracle and Databases in General:

Database Design for Smarties: Using UML for Data Modeling by Robert J. Muller

UML Distilled, Second Edition: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language by Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott and Grady Booch

Database Design for Mere Mortals : A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design by Michael J. Hernandez

Oracle 8 : The Complete Reference (Oracle Series) by Kevin Loney, George B. Koch

Oracle 8 Dba Handbook by Kevin Loney

Oracle 8 for Dummies by Carol McCullough

Oracle 8 Design Tips by Dave Ensor

Oracle 8 Design by Dave Ensor

Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez A. Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe

Data on the Web: From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML by Serge Abiteboul et al.

Data Modeling by G. Lawrence Sanders

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Java and Javascript

Javascript: The Definitive Guide by David Falanagan

Core Java: Fundamentals and Core Java: Advanced both by Horstman and Cornell.

Data Warehousing and Data Mining:

Object-Oriented Data Warehouse Design: Building a Star Schema by William A. Giovinazzo and William H. Inmon

The Seven Deadly Sins of Data Warehousing by Douglas Hackney

The Data Webhouse Toolkit: Building the Web-Enabled Data Warehouse by Ralph Kimball and Rivhard Merz

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations by Ian H. Witten and Eibe Frank

Stuff I read to relax:

All Tomorrow's Parties by William Gibson.

Not his best work, but William Gibson is the cyberpunk master.

Generation X by Douglas Coupland.

This is perhaps my most favorite book of all time. Douglas Coupland's style is beautiful, the story is compelling and I am a BIG fan.

Microserfs by >Douglas Coupland.

I tore through this baby in one sitting. Not only hilarious, but it is a must read for people interested in the computer (software) industry.

High Fidelity by Nick Hornby.

This brilliantly funny novel describes in perfect detail the male mind (OK, my male mind, anyway).

About a Boy by Nick Hornby.

Absolutely fantastic. What's cooler than pretending to have a kid just to pick up single mothers? Nick Hornby RULES!

Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby.

You must be a soccer fan to appreciate this one....

The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.

Fantastic epic fantasy....

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Player's Handbook

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Dungeon Master's Guide

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Monster Manual

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Module: The Sunless Citadel

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Module: The Forge of Fury

And, if you're going to talk about fantasy, you have to include D&D. I know it's a bit geeky, but it's fun. Even if I haven't played in a while...

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Handspring Visor Deluxe - a Palm Pilot plus a whole lot more 8MB RAM! Expandable! You gotta love it!

Handspring Serial Thingy - I can't use the USB cradle, so I'm getting the serial one...

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Andreas Matern
Last modified: Thu Sep 14 17:59:18 EDT 2000